Bowen Technique

The Bowen Technique is a remedial, hands-on therapy that is applied using very gentle pressure. The practitioner uses thumbs and fingers on precise points of the body to perform Bowen’s unique sets of rolling-type moves which stimulate the muscles and soft tissue of the body. Very subtle adjustments are made to rebalance the body with this powerful treatment. The experience is gentle, and relaxing. It is believed that the Bowen Technique prompts the body to reset, repair and balance itself and clients report the experience of pain relief, improvement of function and recovery of energy.

The technique is based on the theory that gentle moves over precise points of the body can prompt the body’s innate ability to relieve pain, restriction and imbalance without the need for deep, manipulative or forceful treatment. Bowen practitioners work holistically with their clients and expect to work alongside allopathic health professionals to support optimum health for their clients. For example, one of the most common conditions for which people seek Bowen treatment is back pain.

The Bowen Technique can help with painful and restricted shoulders, neck pain, respiratory conditions and headache patterns. Bowen is also widely used for sports injuries. Not only do sports participants report fewer injuries when treated regularly but they also notice enhanced performance.

The rules of The Bowen Technique :
  • The Bowen Technique is a course of 3 initial treatments one per week for 3 weeks, followed by a month off. This enables the body to accept the treatment.
  • It should not be necessary to repeat the initial 3 treatments unless there is a recurrence of injury or a long period of time is left between treatments.
  • Follow up treatments on a monthly basis are recommended or at least treatments on a seasonal basis for body maintenance.
For more information on the Bowen Technique click here.